There is no 100% guarantee on response rates
but Ausposts 2014 consumer census points to great returns.

45% of Australians preferred to
receive catalogues and flyers by mail.
Only 24% prefer via online/email.
Our team can provide you with the best delivery options for your targets.
We will cover a small area, large area or full Shire distribution.
We can target "Houses Only" for customers not requiring
home units. Factory, retail and commercial letterboxes
can be targeted also.
What material should/can I distribute?

Catalogues 42%

Email Offer 34%

Mail Promo Offer 34%

1 in 3 Australians
Used a coupon from a catalogue, flyer or brochure to receive a discount on a purchase in store.

61% of Australians
Agreed that they used catalogues and flyers to locate and purchase items on special offer.
When should I book in my distribution
and how long will it take?
Brochures received by Letterboxing on a Wednesday will
be distributed between Friday and Wednesday of
the following week (weather permitting).
Do you deliver to "No Junk Mail" addresses?
Brochures are not placed in letterboxes with a "No Junk mail' sign, meaning the customer is not paying to have their business exposed to someone that isn't interested.

Will my material be fully delivered?
Our supervisors and walkers are experienced, local, highly trusted and appreciate the importance of your delivery. They will deliver to every household or commercial address in your selected distribution areas.

Will my material be delivered in good condition?
Our walkers handle all materials with care and we do not distribute in adverse/wet weather conditions to ensure the quality of your advertising material is not compromised.
Letterboxing's policy is to deliver your brochures flat, not folded, and wholly inside the letterbox wherever possible.

Distributions are completed by Wednesday (weather permitting).
In the unlikely event that distribution
is delayed you will be notified immediately.
How can I measure the success of my distribution?
You can include a prompt to register for specials or membership. Or include a registration/ membership form with post back or online application.

You could include a prompt to ask consumers to reference the material when redeeming an offer.

Better Connections: How letterbox advertising
engages and drives purchasing behaviour,
AusPost October 2014
Australian Catalogue Association, Distribution
Standards Board: